500 USER: Operation not permitted FTP issue

I am getting an error when I want to login to my FTP. My site works but I can’t log in to my FTP. I already tried connecting via filezilla but then I get the error: 500 USER: Operation not permitted. I also have tried to repair my website and I have tried to reset the password but none of them worked. Can you guys help me out?

Website: https://blubsite.000webhostapp.com/

This means your website is on a high traffic facing node unfortunately all you can do is wait it out.
I am facing the same issue.

I would suggest at your earliest convenience to remove any .zip/.jar/mp3/.mp4 files from your hosting and remove the “fake mailer” and if that is a public storage upload script remove that also.

Our free platform can’t be used for file storage purposes and it is against the ToS for the fake mailer to be hosted also.

I’m facing the same issue. I can only connect to FTP Manager for one of my two sites… I can’t connect to the second site’s FTP. I’ve tried to turn off FTP via 000webhost.com > Website Settings > General and other stuff posted on “FTP Troubleshooting Guide” without success. Waiting is all i can do? I’m waiting for couple hours and nothing change :frowning:

I have the same problem on my website
https://cdpboyer2.000webhostapp.com/ I have no zip/jar/mp3/mp4 files on my site,
I just star working on it and I have the error (in filezilla)

Command: USER cdpboyer2
Response: 500 USER: Operation not permitted
Error: Could not connect to server

I can’t use the file manage too

Yep just wait it out unfortunately

Ok I am going to do that thanks for suggesting me and not banning me! :grinning:

By the way: Thanks for helping me know what the issue is and I am going to remove the things from my site that are not allowed.

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No problem happy future site building :slight_smile:

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Thanks, but I am still reported and I am not able to do anything about it because I cannot remove anything or download my site to my computer to save it, Do you have an solution to save my site or download it?

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At the moment no, there is 1 node still affected currently which is going on over 24 hours sadly, I’ve opened another ticket with developers hopefully they look at it in the next 12 hours :frowning:
Ticket # 385

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