502 and 403 errors started to happen often

Are they also working on hosting side or FTP affects hosting ? Because before sometimes I couldn’t connect to FTP but my website worked well.

FTP could affect your files if they are making changes I guess.

Now FTP gives me:

Durum: “ETIMEDOUT - Bağlanma denemesi zaman aşımına uğradı” ile bağlantı kurulamadı.
Hata: Sunucuyla bağlantı kurulamıyor

Timed out.
Can’t connect server.

Hmm what happens with the web-based manager?

Might be account specific, I’ve tried a few accounts now and FTP is still working fine this end.

I can connect FTP now.

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Errors are temporary. They last 5-15 minutes. Anyways let’s wait and see what happens. Thanks for “trying to help”.

Haha no worries, happy website building if you can get to it.