All In One WP Migration stuck on Restore Database

I have tried about 10 times now to import my localhost site using All in one WP Migration. I am doing everything right as i have used it before on two other sites. This site is abit larger and contains some larger plugins but nothing unusual.

Is there any obvious reasons why it might be getting stuck. Sometimes it will stick on 33%, sometimes it will stick on 85%

Anyone able to help please?

Probably issues as All-in-One WP Migration Import Stuck at 100.00%

I read through this one but i was a bit lost in what needs to be done to rectify the issue

Due to the free limitations on file upload/import size, request execution timeouts etc importing can be a task which is no fun on the free plan sometimes unachievable.

@ckhawand suggests

I’d recommend importing it locally, then zipping up the WP files and uploading them to 000webhost and exporting the database from the local computer and importing it to the database on 000webhost.
When you do this, reply here so we can do the database connection.

So just zip your public_html folder locally, upload it and extract.
Export .sql database locally and import into phpMyAdmin on 000webhost.

You might need to edit the .sql file to reflect the new database name on 000webhost before import.
After import you can browse to wp-options and change the site URL to match 000webhost.

Then in the wp-config.php input the 000webhost database name, user and password instead.

Okay that makes sense, thank you… I am using MAMP for my local environment, do i ZIP the htdocs file or the individual project folders within that? I have a few wordpress installations in their for seperate projects

I would think htdocs, whatever is the index.php and public files container with wp-config.php etc.

I cant do this either, the ZIP file is 224.8mb and the upload capacity is 128… I have had this issue before, thats why i used WP-Migration on my first project

FileZilla to upload zip files

Do i need to have a seperate login for phpmyadmin as i cant login with my normal details

the details should be listed on the manage database page if you can’t remember the password you should be able to hit manage then PHPmyadmin and it will automatically log you in if not then hit manage then change password and wait 5 minutes before logging in

I have transferred my files and imported my database. Is there anything you need to do to connect the database? Thanks

Possibly edit wp-config file in the public folder to reflect the new changes to the name and password eccetera

Ive changed the HOME & SITE url in the WP_Options and i have changed the database name, username & password in the wp_config file

The site says i need an index.php file which i have… But when i try and view it in the file manager it comes up with “error trying to establish a database connection”

Both your sites appear to be working, which URL does this topic relate to? :slight_smile: