Cannot complete profile

Hey there, I just want to have completed the 100% of “pending stuffs” in my profile, but the “Create account” one is ALWAYS pending. any idea?

I think it is just a bug and will be resolved in time, however you don’t get any more features for completing it so just hit the little white X far right and ignore in future till solved.

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As Infinity said. Just ignore. As you don’t get any extra features.

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i have problem in my site .
not working properly

Your site should be accessed using HTTP not HTTPS

I assume you are running WordPress since your site is not loading and this is because the database is down…

Once it has resumed back online I suggest changing the following

Autoreply regarding WordPress installation

Your site should be accessed using HTTP not HTTPS

Please check that HTTP is within your site URL and if not then correct HTTPS to HTTP within it.

Also I’d recommend installing the plugin called Force HTTP which you can search and install for else

If you’d like to use HTTPS then visit, get some shared hosting, a dedicated IP address and install an SSL certificate and you’ll be able to correctly and securely use SSL features - unless you are exchanging credit card information there isn’t much need for it on a WordPress site for example however.