
Hello. About 24 hours ago my website stopped working. When I enter my website tells me: cpu-limit-reached. I don’t know why. Please help me. My website is: margita.site50.net

Your site must have breached a limit or something along those lines, too many users at once, too many users overall, maybe a script using too much server resources, the list is endless, but your site is suspended, you can wait and see if it automatically unsuspends but chances are it won’t - you’d be better signing up to Hosting24.com, they’ll transfer your site if the data is available and you’ll be back up and running in no time.

Else you could create another free account and have another go yourself.

How long to wait? It is very important site to my doughter and she is really unhappy now. Hope dies last, or something like this…

Upgrade to premium or create a new account, re-upload your data sorry.

hey. i have faced the some problem My website is www.examore.comyr.com

As above my friend, sorry.