LGSL - statistic of game servers problem:

I have site with CMS system and i have lgsl in my site and the lgsl not show my Counter-Strike server on/off; not show active players(only say 0/0 and the example should show 10/24); not show the game server map image;
How to fix this?

What is LGSL? Where did you get it from?

LGSL is something like plugin that makes statistics gaming servers (players, map being played and etc). I download LGSL from her:

It looks like your trying to connect to the database remotely which is not allowed with a free account; there is this option in the documentation from that site to use the FEED system on port 80, which is a port that’s open - http://www.greycube.com/help/readme/lgsl/servers-offline/

Yes but other users of this host using this LGSL and working. They say i should to deactivate no-replath function i deactivate the no-replath function but don’t working. How to fix this?

I’d try and find out more from these other users such as what is “no-replath function”

I found the problem. The problem is in my game servers. But yesterday the problem wasn’t in my servers. Thanks for the help.