My new wordpress site doesn't work

hello, I’m new in this community and I already have some trouble with my website built with WordPress.
This is the trouble:
Each time I click on “view your website” my browser says that it’s impossible to connect and I have to check my internet connection or my proxy/firewall(that I have disabled for this operation), I know that’s not an internet power problem because I can still surf the web easily. I don’t have changed anything yet so I don’t know what is the problem. Can someone help me? Thank you

Your site looks fine?

what can I say? just watch this, I made this video just for you. Anyway also some friend of mine told me that they can view the site but I can’t :frowning: don’t know what to do

@Luca Follow this tutorial and then try again,

thank you for the answer but it still not works, I’m going crazy for this :tired_face:

@Luca Post screenshot of what happens when you try to load your wordpress site??

it says " can’t reach this site, connection rejected from, try to check your internet connection or proxy and firewall err_connection_refused"

You’re getting this error because you’ve not parked your domain “”.

Go to “Set web address” – “Add domain” – “Park domain” and park your domain.

After doing this process you domain will load.

done, thank you everyone, this topic can be closed(anyway I feel really dumb for this xD)