Status archive how to restore

My website status archive how to restore it???

Queued to restore for you now, there is a chance if your account has been deemed inactive then the data has already been deleted unfortunately.
Users must log in once per month to the panel.
Ignore any suspension emails you may receive.
I’ll update you if they’re successful restoring your site, otherwise you’ll notice it will disappear from your panel completely and you’ll have to make a new one.

its very important please restore it

As per sign-up terms and conditions you are responsible for backups, if there is no data and it has been deleted due to your neglect of activities there isn’t anything we can do

but there is many data

Okay well if it restores for you then great, otherwise it will be removed from panel automatically if there is no data.
You need to login regularly to avoid deletion, looking at your account logs it has been months between hence automatic archival for low visitors then deletion since you are inactive.

please restore it as soon as posible

Keep an eye on your panel it’ll go active and green if there is data otherwise it will disappear from your panel.

ola, você consegue me ajudar? @Infinity

I sure can? What is the issue?

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muito obrigado pela atenção!

acontece que eu não estou conseguindo acessar meu site, ele parou de funcionar antes de ontem, só fica carregando e não aparece nada!

eu sou novo nisso, estou tentando trabalhar com marketing a pouco tempo e ainda não sei como resolver esses problemas.

e acho que você consegue :slight_smile:

Wait it out, upgrade or use alternative hosting.

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