[SUBMIT YOUR] Website not existing issue here

I have upload a index.html on public folder but is not working. It says not such website on head, “There’s nothing here, yet.
This domain is ready to be registered.
Start your website”


I have a problem, when accessing my website it tells me that the name of the website does not exist, instead in the panel it says that it is running without any problem.

Thank you!

Hello there. I have a problem with my website. Last few days, it was working well but suddenly it turns out to be an error like this. I tried to figure the solution but none of the previous one works for my issue.

This is the link for my website:

All sites above again fixed and working let me know if your site is not loading again.

Try and clear your browser cache or use Incognito tab to check if your website is working since the fix applied :slight_smile:

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hi i’ve tried clear cache, using private tab, and another device but site still cannot be accessable :frowning:

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Can you screenshot the page you are seeing?

My end it loads fine

means cannot reach site

Could you fix https://aeaba2.000webhostapp.com/? please

That looks like a local issue you’ll need to use a VPN or proxy.
Turkey government blocks 000webhost at their level so nothing we can do.

Your website is https://aeaba3.000webhostapp.com/

aeaba2 was deleted back in May along with the owning account for user inactivity.
You need to login once per month to avoid inactive user deletions.
I can see you’ve already made a brand new account under the same email and made a new website.
Ensure to keep active and take regular backups.

oh i see, would it work if i add domain to my hosting

Not sure worth a try if you’ve already purchased one.
You may more than likely have trouble accessing FTP services also.

Hello, Can you please fix?

That website is suspended as per your screenshot.
You’ll need to appeal or upgrade to continue.


Nothing I can do with that as it states in the logs you deleted the website yourself today.

Your new URL you’ve created - https://music-coviddruk.000webhostapp.com/

Hi, i need help. I used to have a project here by the domain https://anarserver.000webhostapp.com the project is no longer showed, but i need the files. Could you help me?

anarserver is deleted sadly.
Up to the user to keep backups.

Hello, no one responds to my appeal.

It does say 5 working days let me try and follow it up.