Timeout error attempting to launch File Manager from the tools menu

URL: dkrambertest (https://dkrambertest.000webhostapp.com/)

Error screenshot:

The URL from the redirect for File Manager is:

It has been about 2 days now since I was last able to upload files. I have tried FileZilla AND the File Manager accessed from the Tools Menu on the dashboard. I followed the suggestion on the FTP Troubleshooting Guide and clicked on the repair button but it did not clear the problem.

An y help would be appreciated.

Can you try using a VPN?

A VPN is not an option for me at this time. It had been working fine 2 days ago then stopped.

You’ll have to use alternative DNS like Google, failing that use a VPN.

If you can’t then you might need to look at using alternative web hosting services.


If an alternate DNS or a VPN is required then please explain why everything was working for over a week without either? Something has to have changed and it changed in the middle of the day while I was connected and minutes after a previous FPT.

We’re trying to troubleshoot the error with you. It might be a temporary block from your ISP hence the usage of a VPN, or expired DNS records from your ISP, hence alternative DNS.
If you’re unwilling to try the solutions we’re offering, we will unfortunately not be able to help you with your request.

Okay, I applied the DNS settings in the document Infinity referenced. No joy. I purchased a subscription to ExpressVPN and my first attempt to log in resulted in a message that 000webhosting has banned my ip address.

I relaunched the VPN and relaunched Chrome and Firefox and was finally able to get in.

I am still however perplexed about why everything was fine for over a week and then suddenly in the middle of a session the File Manager started timing out and I suddenly needed a VPN? Any explanation please?

It could be one of many things. Either your ISP has temporarily blocked 000webhost, or 000webhost has temporarily blocked your IP for some reason.

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