How to create index.php file

After transfering my website through filezilia when i try loding it on google it say i should crate an index.php file that the file is lacking in the public-htlm folder please how can i solve that

Simply upload an index.php or index.html file… the first file that will load when someone visits your site.

i dont get it.

should i just upload an empty file name index file?
my problem is i dont know how to create the index file ?

What is your 000webhostapp url?

that the it.please if you can do it for me i will be grateful and also if u could direct me on how to do it so next time i do not border anyone thanks

Have you published your site in the site builder yet?

that the link. i did not build the website with site build i transfer the files from my previouse website using filezilia, what is required is an index file in the public htlm folder

Do you have the other files that are from your last site?

Where was your last site hosted?

i built my website with the zyro website biulder
and later created this new website which i transfer the files using filezilia then i tried loading the website but they say it lack index.php file. should i upload the index file of the previouse website???
also i had same issue last time an one of the ageent here help me to upload an index.php file to my public folder

If you can upload the index.php from your last site to see if this resolves it.

am doing that now will let you know if it works

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It’s funny I remember assisting a user before with a pet carrier website as well :stuck_out_tongue:

i uploaded the file but no difference

Can you confirm now if it is better?

this awesome it better, how did you do it so i would not have to worry next time

I uploaded the correct .htaccess file.

please how do they update the .htaccess file

How do you mean?

# Powered by
ErrorDocument 401 "Unauthorized"
ErrorDocument 403 "Forbidden"
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
DirectoryIndex index.php index.cgi index.html
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ zyro/$1 [L,QSA]
php_value output_buffering on

when you say you updated it it mean the previouse one was not uptodate so what am asking is what changes did you do to the file or what did you do??