000webhost logo

The GitHub respository responds with Error 404 when the browser tries to load your logo, at least on my website:
Moreover, I don’t think that logo is well-made. First of all, GitHub respository appears to refuse to give any content to older browsers such as Internet Explorer 6, even though they are perfectly able to handle PNGs. Second, you are using “position:fixed” even when no doctype is specified (so that I can trigger the quirks mode I need to make some features of my website available in Internet Explorer 7-8), resulting in undefined behavior in many browsers. Third, your JavaScript appears to be using common function names such as “ajax”, resulting in name aliasing which is very hard to debug. Fourth, it interferes with the user interface on mobile devices so much that I needed to use some weird JavaScript trickery to remove it in my PacMan game playable on smartphones (http://flatassembler.000webhostapp.com/pacman.php). If you didn’t use “position:fixed”, I wouldn’t have to spend hours finding out how to do that.

Hello. We’re currently working to resolve this issue. :slight_smile:

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OK, it’s a lot better now. At least the link doesn’t block JavaScript from responding to the events in the bottom left of the page (as it used to).
By the way, if the JavaScript console in older browsers shows a bunch of errors with this new logo, just insert this JavaScript code somewhere in your webpage:

if (!document.getElementsByClassName)
                var niz=document.getElementsByTagName("*");
                var ret=[];
                for (var i=0; i<niz.length; i++)
                    if (eval("/(\\s|^)"+str+"(\\s|$)/").test(niz[i].className))
                return ret;

It works even in Internet Explorer 6, see here:
(Internet Explorer 6 shows no errors if you open that web-app in it.)

Good day, sir!

Ideas have been reported and will be reviewed as soon as possible. Thank you :slight_smile:

By the way, I have noticed that now the logo isn’t visible if I visit my website from China without a VPN. Not that it’s important though. I’ve included a few images from the CNN website, and they are not only not visible if I visit my website from China, they also aren’t visible if I visit it from the Croatian T-COM ISP (because their DNS server appears to be bad).

So China/T-COM are blocking using DNS yes?

The DNS doesn’t appear to be much of a problem in China. If you try to connect to the blocked websites without a VPN, you don’t get the “server not found” error, but “connection timed out” (000webhost.com) or “connection refused” (facebook.com and google.com). The IP addresses are slowly, albeit successfully resolved. Besides, you can apparently use the CloudFare DNS ( without problems.
In Croatia, DNS appears to be a major problem when surfing foreign websites. You often get the “server not found” error on both T-COM ISP and Crisis Connection ISP. However, that doesn’t appear to be the only problem. If you try to access foreign websites using the Crisis Connection ISP, you also often get the “connection timed out” error. And you can’t use the CloudFare DNS, if you try to just PING, the connection times out 7 out of 10 times or so.
The DNS appears to also be a major problem on the Croatian T-COM ISP, however, you can use CloudFare DNS to circumvent that problem. However, that also doesn’t appear to be the only problem. You repetedly get the “connection reset” error when you try to access some websites. I think that they are blocking certain types of secure connections. For instance, as I pointed out in another thread, you can’t connect to the 000webhost FTP server. You can access the 000webhost File Manager, but it is intermittent and slow. Also, the Mozilla Developer Network, along with the CNN website, the BBC website and GitHub, are all inaccessible. They are all using some form of the HTTPS protocol, just like the 000webhost File Manager is using FTPS. Weirdly, though, the 000webhost Forum is accessible (I am currently accessing it from the Croatian T-COM ISP and I am not using a VPN or a proxy).
Of course, all of those websites are accessible from Croatia without a VPN if you just use the free KPROXY (which masks the HTTPS connections as if they were simple HTTP, but still encrypts them). I don’t think the Croatian ISPs are doing that intentionally, they simply don’t have the money to fix the technical difficulties. After all, what do you expect if they give you Internet connection for 15$/month (Crisis Connection) or 20$/month (T-COM)? I am pretty sure it costs a lot more in more developed countries.

I believe as you do: they may experience technical issues; or some parts of internet may be broken, causing ISP’s routers to not reach the desired IP addresses in mean times.