Access denied to web file manager

I am fairly new to using 000webhost so excuse me if this is very basic but I’m only just learning. I am trying to upload php files to the Web File Manager but every time it tells me Access Denied. I already checked in settings if I had the option turned on which I did so that is not the problem. I checked the status page and it seems to have some issues on the FTP because of high traffic, so I was wondering if that is the reason why it keeps saying access denied or if it is something else. I should note that I tried uploading it through FileZilla and it only ever connected to the server once and disconnected right after but I assume this is because of the high traffic issue. I’m attaching a screenshot of the access denied message in case it helps.
My website is:

There is a node down on our file network.
You can only wait it out.


Checking now the issue has resolved.