Acme query

I installed fastest cache and it exploded my test site for syndicating…

I’ve been on the fence about upgrading, I like that I can create free sites unlimited so I can use it for my work…

But dude… Fastest cache exploded your hosting and wasted 4 hours of my time.

Unless this can be fixed guys, I’m gonna have to keep looking for other similar hosting sites.

This is unreal… I went into FTP and removed the plugin, I press the “repair” button.

Nothing is working…

I don’t want to have to get on a form everytime something like this happens if I end up purchasing a plan from you all, I’m sure you can understand that and I hope you have a solution… Seriously seriously do, I need something just like this!


Failing that delete the .htaccess file and then login and head to settings permalinks and choose plain default.
Cache plugins aren’t supported as 000webhost already optimizes cache to reduce free user usage to keep them within their limits better.

Thanks, removing .htm worked and thank you for the heads up on that as well. Do you allow using plugins like WP rocket?

The main reason I need a push site is because I’m separating certain campaigns from acmehemplabs com to say here so that it can be syndicated in it’s own network I guess is the best way to say it. I also use another one called FS which helps to schedule posts to social media without having to post… which then ends up leading to pages on this platform.

I’ve found that it helps with IFTTT pick up and nextscripts.

Also just to verify once more before I jump into a plan, I can make as many type sites as I want? I’m not 100% interested in always using it for my own domains at the moment. I was using CCP but I don’t like that I have to go before 30 days is up and press a “renew” button. I told them I would pay but I wanted to use their domains not mine and they are not helpful with that.

I appreciate the answer.

Depending on your usage you will likely be disappointed using 000webhost, it is aimed at learners starting to code etc and experimenting with their projects.
Where as people using it for mass development / making a lot of accounts to host a lot of sites… will face issues with free plan limits i.e. database limitations causing problems / daily unique visitor limit / daily request limit etc.

000webhost is not a demo of Hostinger in anyway so no point in comparing our panel or features before paying for Hostinger.

Wasn’t no referring to the free plan.

And it’s not so much for traffic it’s for a medium for pushing syndication elsewhere because wordpress doesn’t allow using the same plugin over and over again. Which I have need… I suppose I could find a coder to possibly just fix the plugin I need done, but either way I have clients that need to have a syndication push and like I said I’d rather pay you guys a flat fee for hosting a simple wordpress site and not having to rely on pushing a renew button every month.

Hope that makes sense,

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