Archived Website Won't Restore

My website was archived even though I’ve accessed it relatively recently. I’ve been trying to restore it for days and nothing is happening. Please either restore it so I can use it or delete it so I can recreate it. I’m on a dealine for school so hopefully this can be resolved quick!

Hi! We’ve queued the site for restoration. Hopefully it will be online soon

10 hours later and it still hasn’t. Stressed doesn’t begin to cover how I’m feeling right now! :<

Developers have informed me there is no archived data for your site.
Hence they’ve been deleted to allow you to create new sites.
It would appear there was no archive available to restore, hence deletion.

Feel free to make a new site and keep regular backups and login to regularly to avoid inactive user deletions.

image Why am I getting THIS now?!?! Apparently my site was blocked for NO reason, but I can unblock it by PAYING YOU?! This is ridiculous!

It was a system glitch, we’ve unsuspended it and apologize for inconvenience.

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