Backup my website

I want to do a Backup for my Website but how con I go on after clicking on loading up files? - There are some Youtube videos that say I first have to download a file linkt in the descriptin but its fro 2017 and it does not work anymore.

Another question: I am a little bit confused because I have this subdomain from you with 000Webhost but I created my homepage over your Webhost with WordPress, so shouldn’t I have a domain?

Thanks for your help,

You can backup your website by entering the file manager and compressing the public folder and downloading it

Then you need to access database manager phpMyAdmin and select your database and export it

We provide a free subdomain when you host your website here, there are two types of WordPress installations one is self hosted which we offer and also you can get it hosted directly by WordPress which we don’t provide

See the tutorial section on the forum for backing up

ok thanks I managed to back up my fils but I do not know the pasword and username for this
“manager PHP my admin and select” - is it the same I use for my homepage ?

Its “PhpMyAdmin”, to backup your database.

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ah ja now it worked, strange - because I already did it bevore and they wanted me to log in seperately.
but now etherything went smoth. thanks!

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