Be always young

No body can robs our self respect
We cultivated it from our baby hood
Times and years passed by
But we still have it
Deep in our heart
We feel always young and happy

The Game of Life
Sometimes you loose
Sometimes you win
That’s the game of life
If you loose don’t feel guilty
be yourself and proceed
to reach your goal
If you win don’t be proud
be yourself and proceed
to reach your higher goal

Very good !
I like this poetry.

its really nice :]

I’m not a poet - you’re very good hearted, Thanks

You’re a gamer? Believe in yourself - I pray you always win. Thanks

A game of life
I’m an active player
Whatever the result never complaining
And always with a smile

Every one dreams and strive for success. They equate success with lots of money. And with money you can buy anything.
But fear of making mistakes has prevented many people to try to reach their dream. They fear of making mistakes. They forgot that we all learn from our mistakes. Mistakes is the best teacher.
Dream remains a dream and nothing happened.

Tidak ada istilah "terlalu tua"
Jadilah dirimu sendiri yang terbaik.
Jangan bandingkan dirimu dengan siapa2
Kamu akan puas dan bahagia
Kita pasti merasa terlalu tua jika dibandingkan dengan mereka yang lebih muda
Kita merasa tidak sukses
Kita merasa kalah
Bandingkanlah dirimu dengan diri sendiri.
Apakah anda tua?
Apakah anda tidak sukses?
Apakah anda kalah?
Tidak - anda adalah anda yang tidak tua, yang sukses dan yang tidak kalah.
Anda masih punya banyak impian
Api semangat didalam masih membara.
Sehingga kematian menghindari anda.

Rupanya banyak viewer tidak mengerti bhs. Indonesia
Apa ini sebabnya FI sulit di acc?
Que sera sera

If you know yourself and your intimate relationship with God, you don’t need to be in fear.
Fear as well as any negative thoughts are created in your mind. You 're the master of your mind. Don’t allow your mind to conquer your thougth.
Be yourself and be absolutely free. Free to imagine - to visualize - to create. With God you’re the creator of whatever you desire. Love, peace, happiness, wealth, health etc. Don’t ever, ever think about negativity

Wishing good health and always young for all.
Especially for you "my dear visitors"
Thank you.

Yesterday was my Day
77 is a good number
I’m still young

Menurut Kalender 30? 50? 70? 90?
Keinginan Anda 100 tahun?
Dengan kesehatan prima?
Mengapa tidak?
Kitab suci kuno mengatakan100 tahun
Bahkan bisa lebih

Tua adalah kualitas pikiran**
Kalau Anda …

  • selalu bersenda gurau
  • selalu mengasihi sesama
  • selalu berterima kasih - bersyukur
    selalu berdoa dan ingat DIA
    Tak peduli bagaimana tahun berlalu
    Tak peduli kalender terus berganti
    Anda tidak tua

Some one had said

“Nothing is great in the beginning stages of when God first starts working in a man’s life. That man’s prayers will be elementary. His efforts will be clumsy and uncoordinated. His whole sense of walking with God will be spent in the shallows. But if that man refuses to give up or if he refuses to give in, if his desire and determination and his sense of purpose will capture his emotions, then God will work with his life.
It takes time, persistence, and desire. These elements become the fuel for revivals, energy for relationship with God, and absolute authority in the Kingdom of God”

I always believe in God and my ancestors. I do have faitn they’ll always beside me and protect from unwanted happening.

Iti is a simple rule:
If you believe (in a postive way) it will happened.
So avoid thinking negatively
Do not say “I’m 40 or 50 and I’m old” "I am too old to do something"
Say loudly “I am young forever” “I am still useful and active forever”

Nice this poetry must have took a long time to post congrats.And also your right.

Nice poem :))

@ all participants
Wishing a happy day
Thank you

It occured in a flash
Just a few second
Say loudly every morning
"I am young forever"
"I am still useful and active forever"
Believe what you’ve said