Cannot Reset account password

I had made a account with the email but i forgot the password.
I am not getting the password reset email now.
Please help me.

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I’ve checked upon that website you’ve provided and I can see that the whole account along with website was deleted for user inactivity over a year ago or more!

We cannot restore this because it has been deleted and once deleted it is gone - we do not keep backups this is up to the learner to keep regular backups of their data.

We cannot restore the name of your site as once deleted it is gone and cannot be restored simply put.

Sorry I cannot do anything on this occasion but I can see you’ve already made a new account under the same email address, feel free to make a new website using alternative naming and you can upload any data you’ve backed up previously.

Ensure to login regularly once per month to control panel to avoid inactive learner deletions and take regular backups of your website / any data you wish to keep safe.

Happy site building.