Cant get my old domain

I need my old domain name back -
My old domain name is -

Only a week before I jumped to the new site.
After I joined the new Site, I upload my website, but it gave me another new domain.
How to change it to the old domain name?


Hi you can park your domain here using nameservers or cname records but only domains are allowed. Subdomains are not allowed here. So you can’t use your subdomain here because is a doamin but is a subdomain. You can grab some new free domains from or you can take cheap domains from

My new subdomain is, I want to change it to the old one.
While I am trying to do that, it said the domain is already taken.
What should I do?

You can’t use your old domain here. Have you used it earlier?

Yes I used it before,
As I said, after got into the new 000webhost site I can’t use my own old domain.

So i got it. Your subdomain is provided by 000webhost before migration. And after migration 000webhost have removed all subdomains like * and now there is only one sub domain *
So you can’t use it again. You have to continue with

But when I saw about this issue in other forum, they solved it.
Hence I asked, so it is not possible to change it back?

Yes it is not possible