Can't recreate website


My website ( was suspended, so I subscribed to hostinger premium account.

Then, my webhost website got unsuspended, because I asked for hostinger support.

However, it wasn’t working, there were several issues with the database IDK why.
So I deleted it.

But now, I can’t recreate it, because it says it’s already in use.

But when I access the website, it says it’s not in use because it was deleted.

I need to recreate my webhost website, please help me.

Sadly deleted subdomains cannot be reused unfortunately.

If you subscribed to Hostinger please delete your 000webhost account and use Hostinger from now on -

That doesn’t make any sense at all. Why a deleted subdomain cannot be reused???
I will ask for a refund!!!

I need to put this website up!

I’ll explain why.
I have a telemetry 500 miles from my location, in the field. And it’s programmed to send and receive data from my webserver
You guys suspended my website and then tell me that I need to upgrade to a premium account so I could unsuspend my website.
After this, nothing worked anymore, so they tell me to delete it.
Then, now you say I cannot recreate the subdomain again, since it’s not in use by anyone.


Come on, help me out here or I will ask for a refund at hostinger.

You will be best asking for a refund.
Deleted subdomains cannot be reused.

We had a similar issue years ago where a man programmed small toxicology meters which were then mounted on top of lamp posts over various locations and he had used his free subdomain which was in turn deleted for inactivity and he offered good money but we can’t provide a deleted subdomain the system doesn’t have the function.
He had to climb up all the lamp posts again and input his new hosting information.

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