Change domain and fixing social media thumbnails

Right now my website is finally fixed (, but when I click on a article it goes to .000webhostapp version, when the .xyz one works.


How can I change that?

Also Facebook and Twitter are not fetching the articles thumbnails and content. I’ve tried debugging the .xyz link but it doesn’t receive anything. How can I fix that?

You have to change your wordpress domain
To do so, follow this tutorial

Thanks. Do you know how can I fix the thumbnails issue?

I think that should solve the issue too…

Great! As for the old posts, they now (for default) all have the .000webhostapp domain on their link.

Is there a way to bulk change that?

Let me check that…

Can you try again now?
I changed some things in your htaccess

Try again what?

Also I’ve created a new post after changing the domain, and it still doesn’t fetch info on Facebook.

Can’t reply. Reached limit.
“Oh okay. Yes, it’s working now. Just noticed it.
But thumbnails still doesn’t show.
I tried to debug the links and it doesn’t fetch info”

Can I have a screesnhot of your facebook post?