Count to 10001

count to 10001 rules: no double post post the next number you can chat but only if you put number gd luck 1

This will most liekly get locked but I guess ill post number 2

Yeah, its probably going to get ended, but until then, what can it hurt, 3?

This self-spamming thread will definitely get locked… :smiley:
Why don’t we make this thread to be a diary or something like that? :wink:

Well, that’s just my 2 cents 4 this thread…

5 :frowning: just a bit of fun

:smiley: what the hell :smiley: 6

7 :smiley: yeah lol

8 woo! ive done this another forum and were well into the thousands!

9, at this rate well soon reach 10

1, Lets start again becasue i just got here :smiley:

aw, we were nearly at 10:(:frowning:

11 there now we are higher then 10 :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

12 is the great number

aww, I got the badluck 13… >_<

anyway, what’s your hobby, guys?
I like reading… I mean reading comics… :smiley:
I love japanese comic (manga). I even learn how to draw it… but my drawing is still suck… ^_^;; I need to practice more…

14 qwqweqweqwe

15 Ball…

lol, i want to ahve 17 soon!

  1. (we skipped one a while ago)

20, come on everyone

remember not to do doble post! 21!