CSS Error Mime Type

I have a repertory with the folder public_html who is my index.html and a folder css who is my css file who linked with my index.html and a folder images with 2 images of britain symbols but when i try to go to my site, my css don’t load and there is this error in developper mode :
-Refused to apply style from ‘https://sitewebdesnt.000webhostapp.com/css/index.css’ because its MIME type (‘text/html’) is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled.

Thanks for the read and if you can help me please. Good Afternoon (for me in France xD)

Looks like your .CSS file isn’t uploaded correctly as when I click the link you’ve given it is 404.
So upload that file to correct location with correct naming, case sensitive etc and it’ll work fine.

Thanks for the answer, it’s okay, can i know what is the caracter used to back in the parent directory ? As …/ in windows ? Because i tidy files ! It was the problem i think

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