i tried to connect to with curl, but i get the following error

Protocol https not supported or disabled in libcurl

is there anyway to fix this, or am i not allowed to cURL https?


I’ll see what can be done here. If possible, we will enable HTTPS support in curl

thanks let me know

I am getting the same error :frowning:
When it will be enable??

Are there any updates to this?

I have the same problem when I want to use the J!Video plugin in my Joomla site. It hosts the videos on an external site, required HTTPS through cURL.

I have the same problem.
I need to call a https page inside my php page.
I am trying to use curl, but I get the error “Protocol https not supported or disabled in libcurl”.

What can I do? Who can enable this protocol in libcurl on my account?
Is there any other way to call that https page?

Thanks in advance,

Same problem here, i don’t get any error messages but it just doesn’t work with https-Sites.
Could you please enable it, 000webhost?

Yet another vote for SSL support on Curl. I use an API that requires me to access it via SSL, so it would be great if 000webhost could support that.

Thank you!

I also need https in cURL, can somebody at least inform us if it will be enabled or not?, just to allow us decide what to do.

Thank you

Same Issue for me. Any info on this will be very helpful

I sent a ticket to customer support. They told me they weren´t going to enable that, and the only way to solve it is upgrading my account. Sorry.

I also need https support for cURL. From what I read before registration there was full php and curl support, this is a main feature of curl. There is no security problem with https, it is a security solution. please enable the support i see no need for it not to be enabled.

Is https curl support not enabled in gold memberships also?

I emailed and asked before opening an account if there is anything against me hosting my store on a free account, but ecommerce software requires curl over SSL. Even googling 000webhost says they support zen cart software, but this issue is preventing people hosting any store’s on the site… they should make this clear, or fix this problem.

there’s still no solution to this problem?

i’m trying to set up a zen cart store and this whole cURL thing is really frustrating me.

this is easy enough to fix. so why continue to frustrate people with a lack of curl support? this is just bad business.

i’m now going to be looking for a different free web host, perhaps on a server where the admins understand that this is a practical need – we’re not just bitching about this for no reason.

000webhost, you get a thumbs down from me.

The only way to get it enabled is upgrade.