Database Timeout error or service connection collation

Please help sometimes my database gets timeout error and sometimes it gives a pile of service connection collation error such as the utf8 and english lang. I cant enter to my database entirely it only shows but when I click it stucks up and keeps the loading button on and on. Please help

What script are you running?
Do you have any of the error messages?

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sorry sir for bothering. i guess it was just my internet connection. Sorry for the late reply as it was already fine when I got back again days ago. May I ask another question about the php that 000webhost supports? does it support php 5.3 and above?

PHP can be changed via GENERAL SETTINGS > :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much sir! I know I can’t repay you but surely you have enlightened me. God Bless!

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Not a problem anymore queries feel free to open a new thread and we can assist you

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