Enter a site path (the web root of the host for http authentication)

I would suggest purchasing a cheap domain such as domain.xyz or domain.com for as little as 99c then you’ve got protection as well via CloudFlare and you own the domain and it can’t just be turned off like our free domains can.

The subs are migrating. - “Let’s Encrypt will begin issuing wildcard certificates in January of 2018. Wildcard certificates are a commonly requested feature and we understand that there are some use cases where they make HTTPS deployment easier. Our hope is that offering wildcards will help to accelerate the Web’s progress towards 100% HTTPS.”
If 000webhost decides to go another route Letsencript offers this feature https://letsencrypt.org/2017/07/06/wildcard-certificates-coming-jan-2018.html

Do you process credit card information on your free hosting?

Presently, no, not at the moment

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