Error establishing database connection after activated cloudflare

I got this error after I activated cloudflare. If I turn it off I can access my site. What could be the problem?

What site is this? Can you provide screenshots please?

Please check if my configuration is ok

This is the error

The setup looks fine, I think the issue is the MySQL downtime. You should just wait it out.

Hmmm… But why I can access it if I turn off cloudfare?

I have received this same message whenever I try to log in for the past week. How can this be resolved?

Odd. I’m not sure why that’s happening. Wait until the downtime is over and then see if it begins working again, thats all I can say.

Thanks for your prompt reply!
Do you know how long the downtown is anticipated to be?

There is no timeframe on the downtime as it is required maintenance that will take a while. MySQL downtime should not last as long, we are just upgrading the system.

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