Evodawg1 email issue

Have checked my emails which are forwarded to ****** and I’m not getting them. ******************

Hi @evodawg1!

Whats is the website in question? Is it hosted at 000webhost?

Also, that domain is not linked to any of our sites; please contact your hosting provider if necessary.

rentmyhusband.biz wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

email address on site is richv@rentmyhusband.biz

How long did it passed since you set up the e-mail forwarder?

Its been setup for years and worked great up until Saturday I believe.

I have forwarded the issue to administrators. Please be patient.

We are sorry for inconvenience :sweat:

Thanks you!!! @@@@@@@

It’s working now. $$$$$$$$$$$


We are glad the issue has been solved! :blush: