Free VS Paid Hosting question


Your hosting site logo says the following

Better than Paid Hosting

I have a few sites hosting with and I constantly have issues with web site loading times, and the sites going up and down like a yoyo displaying very poor uptime and the help support is very poor also

You have two plans. Free and Paid.

So I am asking you guys the question.
If your free hosting is advertised as being better than paid hosting. If I go to your paid hosting service. How much worse will the hosting actually get?

Fair and Valid question I think.

Free in my opinion means that resources are shared so slow connection will be inevitable. But when you go paid, you get a dedicated server plus support. You might want to check if you can try out paid for a month and see how it works for you.

The upgrade is not to a dedicated server

Our paid hosting is on a faster and better server and you don’t have the kind of limit that you have on free hosting plus you get auto upgrade to Gold plan with the price of Silver and a free domain name and many many more.

Most people who sign up for free hosting create an insane number of websites for spamming, adverts and other silliness. They are usually over 90% of the free users. This means they take up system resources that legitimate users need. And since there are hardly any free web hosts out there that actually enforce their TOS, police their users or delete bad accounts, they get easily abused.

Paid hosting is “not free” so spammers don’t bother with it.

Of course should choose paid hosting with: high speed, no ad,… There are a lots of Web hosting providers in the world and they always have promo for their service with the price nearly zero!!! Or use paid host of, I think not much expensive.

Now it doesnt seem to upgrade from silver to gold. So if I want a dedicated IP I have to upgrade by paying more.
Also dont see where I have the option to transfer my files from free to the paid account.

Paid hosting always better than free hosting service providers… 000webhost is not only in this race doing same but we don’t say that our free hosting is better than paid

A lot of times, free web hosting and paid hosting offers the same security, network bandwidth and port speed. The only difference is the hosting features included. These features include additional disk storage, data transfer, more scripting support, more email accounts, etc.
if you upgrade hosting plan in this site then follow this link…

@au5599 you have to click upgrade from your 000webhost account to qualify for the auto upgrade this is special only for 000webhost client not for anyone else.

Are you 000webhost client?
Did you tell them that you are 000webhost client?

That make the big different.

Admin Answered Very Well !! :slight_smile:
I Hope You Got The Answer …

Data Transfer 100 GB / month Unlimited Data Transfer!

There’s a huge difference. Unlimited for Paid hosting.

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There’s a huge difference. Unlimited for Paid hosting.