Free Wordpress Hosting not running

I started 000webhost with Free wordpress hosting. Suddenly after 7 days of hosting and running site on this free hosting, I am getting this error when site opens:

Error establishing a database connection

Also, I don’t know the password to database so I tried to change it but it says:

Some internal error. Developers are notified about it

Please tell me what to do? I already promoted my website links to a large social network community.

I would not advertise a free hosting account to any large social networks at all.
My site goes down with about 5 concurrent users… :confused:
Thus why I use premium for my 50 community members -

But I am also unable to access FTP. It just says:

Could not connect to server

Now when I am trying to edit database it’s showing this:

Database is experiencing issues, please try again later sorry.

That’s what I wanted to know that will database be back after sometime so that I can back it up and transfer it to paid hosting. Thank you. :slight_smile:

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@pso i guess your issue have solved!!!