Ftp login problem

I cant connect by ftp, strange but im using, trying use, the same login and password as by www site. I receive this message :
ftp> open files.000webhost.com
Connected to us-east-1**(dot)**route-1000(dot)000webhost(dot)awex(dot)io.
220 ProFTPD Server (000webhost(dot)com) [::ffff:]
Name (files(dot)000webhost(dot)com:xxyyyyyy): xxxxxxxx
234 AUTH SSL successful
331 User xxxxxxxxx OK. Password required
530 Login authentication failed
Login failed.

(dot) - because i cant sent this forum topic because too many links etc

This clearly says your password is wrong.
Please go to your cPanel and change your FTP password then try again :slight_smile:

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I’ve changed your user status @darek334 you should be able to post links/images correctly now - sorry.