FTP maintenance

I have an issue on opening File Manager. I cant get open from night actually I was just testing my website so plz help me to solve

Undergoing server maintenance

I can not connect via FTP to my website at files.000webhost.com, I have already used the “repair” button, also turning on and off the FTP from the server and it does not solve anything. I need help. Thank you.



Make sure you’re using these credentials:

Host: files.000webhost.com

Username: (The part before .000webhostapp.com)

Password: (Your site password)

I do the same, but there is no answer, I tried with Filezilla and WinSCP and I get the same result.

Have a look at

Using a VPN has worked for me, although this additional step is annoying and I consider it unnecessary. Before it worked just by pressing the “connect” button ¬.¬ "


This is my second time having this issue in just a few weeks. N I’ve been using the website for almost a year. I took reset my site thinking it would fix the issue, but too bad for, people are gonna be trying to visit and find a empty page instead. I tried repair. That didnt work, reset my browser didnt work either. I was out of options when I reset my site. Now Im gonna have to wait about 2 weeks before I can let my site members know it was just a small maintenance issue.

This is not valid response to whats really happening. We are computer scientists, not people that does not information technology.

For production websites, please upgrade :slight_smile:

Else, well, it’s free hosting

FTP of my website keeps on loading and then shows that i have entered wrong credentials, however I am sure that my credentials are correct. Please look into this asap.

Hello currently 1 FTP node is down and it will be fixed soon

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We will notify you when fixed :wink:

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I am experimenting the same issue. can I get notified also, I need to access through FTP

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Any errors? :slight_smile:

im using Nautilus file browser of GNOME. I enter the address, user and pass; and I get the error “Host closed connection”


I can not login in http://files.000webhost.com/, I think I have a confusion then…
What does “Website Settings > FTP details” with “same as your website password”?

Try changing the password of your website, on the same page, scroll down a bit

working awesome, thanks, it was my mistake.
the password took around 3 minutes to work once updated

I have the same issue, how can we fix this issue :frowning: