How 000webhost design there database for the users achievement system

I just want to know the logic behind building an achievement system in PHP mysql how should I design my database tables

Please explain further

simple I just want to make users achievement system for my website like when let’s say the user write his/her first topic get the first topic achievement and like that and I don’t know how to create the database to handle this.
I just want to know the best way to create an achievement database table.

how to create the achievement database table
that all

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thanks, bro but I want to code it myself is PHP code note hard if I’ve been able to create the database achievement table, but I got an idea on how to make it now. how to make the relation between the achiv table and topics and users tables.

One possibility:
Create a table for achievements with IDs and their info

And in the users table, create a row called achievements and begin adding a user’s achievements
IDs separated by a comma.
And when you want to list them, just explode the comma separated achievements, and do a foreach

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that might work for me man thanks for the idea :slight_smile:

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