How to create sub-domains from free domain in the MEW panel?

Hello. Today, I successfully move my website from old panel to new panel.
And now I got back my free subdomain named “” now.

However,I have the new questions, about how to create sub-sub domain of it.
Because in the old panel, I can use “” and “”.
But in new panel, I cannot found that where to set it.

Thanks so much.

There are no subdomains with the free hosting package anymore; sorry.

Thanks. But in this link:

I can saw that there are 2 subdomains of Free Plan.

BTW, could the Free Plan at least offer “www” by default ?

Yes the site is going to be updated after migration for all users is complete, sorry about the confusion.

@moonyuyangzhou You can’t create subdomain for free subdomain.

But you can have subdomain for your parked domain.(if you don’t have a domain, then go to and grab a new domain.)
I can guide you with this, if you’re interested.

@akhilkumar332 @sulliops
Thanks for your reply . I have my own root domain in fact.But I also love this old free subdomian , which 000webhost offer me since 2009, very much.

However, I still hope I can restore most of everything before I migration website.
As before, we can easilly create subdomains for the website on the OLD panel; So I truly hope these could be the same on NEW panel.

Let users spends time to move website, we can understand it, but, we hope we could GOT More in the new environment NOT Loss the functions that is offer before.

@moonyuyangzhou [quote=“moonyuyangzhou, post:7, topic:62896”]
I have my own root domain in fact.
Then you can park it using name servers and then you can have subdomain for your parked domain.

But you can’t have subdomain for free subdomains.

Hope this makes you clear.
If i’m missing something plz tell me.

@akhilkumar332 @sulliops

:slight_smile: Thank you again. Mmm… It is clear and I can understand your meaning.

However, let me tell about it:
In 2009, I register a website from 000webhost, then it offer a free domain named “” as default. (xxx is the username).
This is why I got
As default, 000webhost assign “” as well.

Then, I found the old panel offer a function named “subdomain”, then I creates subdomain, such as “”, “” , “”, etc. ( There are about 6+ subdomains, ha ha :slight_smile: , and I use them as different contents of the website. )

As result, in these years, I use many urls from them ( subdomain and sub-sub-domain ) on Internet, such as blog, bbs, email, and so on.
Even though after I own my root domain later, I still love the free domain because I use it about 8 years.

So I hope I could still keep these old urls on Internet still work. This is why I very hope to own the function in New panel.

It’s my story between my website and 000webhost. :blush:
And really really hope to make old urls work. Thanks.

Sweet story :slight_smile:

Sry, as per admin subdomains feature has been removed…which users use it for abuse purpose.
So only you can use is free subdomain. No subdomains for free subdomain(not available on new panel)

If you park a domain like - free from you’ll get non www and www working.

000webhostapp and free subdomains from 000webhost do not support www.