How to remove Admin Toolbar

Dear all,

Thank you for all your help - I always managed to solve issues thanks to your help!

I’m having this ■■■■■■ issue that I can’t remove the WP toolbar for users other than the administrator. I’ve tried multiple plugins and even tried to put a code in functions.php of the theme itself but nothing seems to be working.
Can someone help me maybe please? I’ve been trying for hours just trying to remove this toolbar and I lost all hope :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you and good day!

Best Regards,
Leonard Callus

Link to your site?

Toolbar only appears for administrator normally?

Oh sorry my bad - forgot to add the website:
At the moment, the toolbar shows up both for the administrator (which I wish to keep if possible) but also to subscribers. I wish that the toolbar doesn’t show up for subscribers as well.

Thank you!

Can you screenshot the toolbar sorry?

Here’s how the toolbar shows up on for registered user

Not sure if you did something or somehow I managed to do it but the toolbar is gone :stuck_out_tongue: . Thank you just the same

Nope! Very odd :joy: happy site building