HTTP Error 500 Please help!

Hello I am new to website building and I uploaded a website in my file manager and for some reason I get the error in the title although on my panel if you could like to call it, it shows my website is running. I tried deleting the .htaccess but it didn’t fix it. Can you please help me!?

What is the URL? :blush:

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what kind of scripts you’re using?
Are you using wordpress??

Remove any additional plugins you’ve added via the plugins folder on FTP or File Manager and again delete .htaccess from public_html if it has been re-created.

I’m not sure. How would I check?

I do not have any additional plugins added and I don’t even have a plugins folder. I deleted the .htaccess again but it wasn’t recreated I deleted it then put it back then deleted it again. I’m not sure if this is the problem or not but when I first created my server I deleted the .htaccess that came with the website and uploaded a different one so I’m not sure if that is the problem but I am still getting the same error without it.

Delete and do not upload any other .htaccess file

Ok sorry! I already deleted it. How can I get the original .htaccess back?

If your site needs one it usually generates it.

What script have you installed etc?

How do I check the scripts? I’m new to this

Infact ignore the above - how have you created your site?

What do you mean how did I create it? I uploaded a website if that’s what your asking, I didn’t use the web builder.

Ah okay ignore my .htaccess

Open your public_html and delete .htaccess if you’ve any, now open index.php or index.html and post the content here within [code] tags

Can you please send me a screenshot of what it should look like?

Well if you have an empty public_html a site will load, once you upload your site content and a 500 error appears then there is something wrong with your coding.

After uploading my site for example

Site loads etc

index.html code etc

So I uploaded my website and I have a index.php file that has code in it so how can I fix this problem I’m having. Are you saying the code is bad?

Paste the index.php code here

Can I message it to you?