I can't access my wordpress site

I’ve been unable to access my site bleepsnbloops.com

I was doing a lot of editing on it last night and it was intermittently cutting out but It’s been down all day today

I can view it using a proxy but am unable to login to the wordpress admin page using that method

When using chrome I get the message…

‘Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to bleepsnbloops.com

I’ve also tried Firefox and IE but to no avail

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Site is up, read http request limit in my sig.

Ive been having the same problem, although my site is working the wordpress login page wont load so i cant update.

I saw the announcement about the brute force attack on wordpress and followed the instructions the best i could, i just cant change my password because it wont load the login.

Any ideas?

You can only get to your site using a proxy and can’t login?
Never tried this but according to wordpress you can change the password through phpmyadmin (back up first) - http://codex.wordpress.org/Resetting_Your_Password

Its not a case i cant login its a case of the login page wont even load, just takes me here -http://error404.000webhost.com/?

I just did what that said to change my password as well, there has been no change yet…

Ok, I thought you had the same problem as the OP and I’ve just seen the message in members area too, that should be posted on the forum.

I’m having troubke accessing my Wordpress admin area again

Earlier on wp-login.php was taking me to…


Then I saw the message in the members area so I changed it to wp-login1.php with the filemanager and am now able to get to the Wordpress login page

But when I click login it takes me to http://error404.000webhost.com/? again

Is there something else I need to change?

I am also have the same problem.

Administrators have established measures to prevent or mitigate the consequences of the attack on the sites using Wordpress.

As the attack ends, administrators can remove these special measures.

I’m getting the same problem. 000webhost just seems to fail every single day doesn’t it?

“99% uptime with 99% errors” should be their new slogan.


I’ve been unable to access my site cdtri49.herobo.com
web site or Wordpress administration pages :frowning:

Even Filezilla FTP client cannot connect :frowning:

I’ve tried Chrome and IE but no success

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance

I installed wordpress and when I want to access the admin panel I get this error :frowning:


I deleted all the ftp, I reup all the files again and still the same error. What can I do? I hate that error :mad:

If you are referring to the domain in your profile (www.madclickers.com), then it is working fine for me. Please try deleting your browser cache and trying again.

It seems that the administrators have enabled measures against brute force attacks wordpress sites.

I also I have the same problem, and the only solution is to be patient and wait.

I have A big problem… please HELP ME!
I just have been set up my first wordPress site , BUT i can’t access to the

I don’t know!! Please hel me

they have a DDoS attack… is all down…
it will be unavailable for the next 6 hours : (

i have my down to…
we have to wait…

Ahh, the mythical and magical 6 hrs; I wonder who dreamed up that number? :wink: