I want make a site or a forum

help me what to make with my domain to make a site or a forum? :confused: i don’t have any ideea.

a forum is more easy to make
If you want to work more harder then make a site :stuck_out_tongue:
Anyways, are you a Romanian? :D, because I am :stuck_out_tongue:
Give me your ID Messenger, maybe I could help your, or you me :stuck_out_tongue:

You can make both if you want :slight_smile:
What kind of site are you thinking of making and what scripting languages do you know?

Just keep in mind you can only use free forums if you are on a free account.

da ma sunt baga id Floryn_w3b

The simplest way is to make a phpbb3 forum becuase it is “free” , fast and easy.
As my forum is at this link:- www.techent.tk
It contains topics related to technology and entertainment

Give it a try

using CMS is the way to go nowaday’s
check into that php = “silence is golden”

Installing a forum is pretty easy. Maintaining it – not so much. Here is a guide: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqLvleY30Js

It’s pretty straight forward. Anyway I hope this helps.

yea a phpbb3 forum is the way to go

phpBB3 is probably one of the worst choices for forum scripts imho. MyBB and SMF would be better choices, the only advantage phpBB has over them is the larger modding community.

Why’s that Bad Karma? Buggy? Security issues? Bloated? Slow? I think the latest version is pretty good, security still could be better and no bugs to speak of.

I personally think that MyBB is the best forum type. Forums become more popular than websites unless you have a original idea.

I personally use phpBB, and I think it isn’t that bad. Actually I really love it.:slight_smile:

I agree and not only that, I can create an SMF forum in under an hour, in what it takes me 2 hours on PHPBB3 because of it’s lame Admin panel and where everything is situated. They totally re-did it from what it was to WTF did they do to the admin section. :eek: