Is down?

Good morning
I cannot access my website either through IE or Filezilla.
It does not seem to find
I have not changed anything and another site I run on is working fine.
I have checked on www.serverdown,info/ and that reports it is down.
Does anyone have any idea when it will be back up please?
Many thanks

Not loading here still either, what is the status of the website when you log into 000webhost?

I am having the same issue. When I login and see the status of my site it shows Active, but I show 0 disk space being used. My site is

The status says it is active but when I use this site below which checks servers it reports that the server is down - who do I need to report this to please?

Same for me. 0 Disk space used. Can’t connect to FTP, tried 4 different ways all timedout at server side. So must be a problem their end. Timeout when trying to visit website aswell.

Migration from old panel to new panel is constant as so many users so could be due to this if anything try to take backups whenever possibly.