Joaovictor1 question

I tried to change the site link remove the 000website but I changed it did not work, reverted is the page does not want to load

could you help me?


Your website loads fine on my side, but very slow.

Let me know if i’m missing anything.

Avoid creating multiple threads for the same topic.

As said earlier your website loads but very slow.

@joaovictor1 Plz read this thread: Rate Limiting Policy

Delete unwanted plugins, this will help load your website a bit faster.

this is not about plugins is a configuration that I changed, yesterday was normal, after I moved the links part he stopped loading

Okay, Can you try switching to alternate theme? and see if your website is loading fine or not.

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Can the site not load revert to the setting I changed last night?

Can’t guide you until i know what settings you changed in your wp-admin.
All i see is, there’s an issue with your vizer theme, which is stopping your website to load properly.



Note the custom URL which was input, since you’ve not linked your domain via 000webhost as the feature has been removed it was causing issues for yourself :slight_smile: