Load Data Local Infile

Hi, I’m trying to load a CSV code using Load Data Local Infile but it says file not found even though the directory is correct. I’m guessing is a file permission issue? I just want to know how can I use Load Data Local Infile.

What code are you using to load it?

It works fine on my local server but it says it can’t find the file on this server. I tried different paths, even the path I got from the php info file.

LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE ‘filepath/file.csv’ INTO TABLE movements

I can’t load the whole script because it says that new users cannot mention more than one user or more than one link. The rest of the code uses @ to replace the fields with a variable which I put conditions in.

Wait, you’re using a database?

Yes, I have 2 million records on one mysql database table and I can’t find an easier way or faster to load it other than Load Data Local Infile.

Using PHPMyAdmin drops which makes sense, the database it’s pretty big and it takes too long to load it up.

I wonder if the inodes 20,000 limit would come into affect here