MariaDB: extract_json_value, JSON_EXTRACT and how to query on old DB


How can I upgrade from MariaDB 10.1 to MariaDB 10.2?

When I trying to use this SQL command : JSON_EXTRACT, it says that it doesn’t exist.
When searching on Google, someone said that mariadb should be updated to 10.2.3 version as you can read on this link:

My phpmyadmin shows mariadb vesrion is: Server version: 10.1.31-MariaDB - MariaDB Server .

How can I update the mariddb version to 10.2?


@burekas Sorry, that’s not possible. :sweat:

It’s depends on the site or is it individual for each site?
Are you going to update it sometime?

So how can I use this command?
I have to use the JSON_EXTRACT command.


I have already seen that. That is why I’m asking on the version upgrade.
I saw there a suggestion of using the ‘extract_json_value’ method but I don’t know how.

But I need it for SQL query.
Is it possible?

Yes, but in mysql it required “json_extract” that doesn’t exist in mariaDB 10.1 :\

Someone has changed the original title.

Basically, I have a column which holds json structure data type.
I want to run a query a SQL on the table that will return rows depends on a specific field value inside the json data.

As I said, I don’t have problem of using JSON outside, I need it for doing JSON SQL queries on my database here. So if it’s true that they are not going to update the version it’s pretty frustrating.

Even though, thanks for you helping.