My new web

Hi, i have published mi new web

What do you think? I´m a beginner, it is my first web. Some one can give me an opinion ?

Thank you so much

Your site will not open for me.

It’s best to ask google how to apply their code.

I can open always, but you are the second person who say me that is imposible to see the page, I suppose it is a problem of 000 webhost hosting. Its a big problem for me i dont know who to fix it. Thank you so much

Should be without the dot

Check and put all scripts on the top, then call them where you want to appear…

also check

Thank you so much ! I will try your solution

Cool site. Additional background color I guess?

Yes it is a good idea, yesterday I decided to change my template so I hope it looks like better. Thank you so much !

While I agree to what people says, you really should first focus on your website’s theme.

You site is about tattoo and tattoo is an art. You should have a dark theme with tattoo background.

  1. Dark theme. I don’t know why but the first thing that I imagine when creating a tattoo website is that a theme should be dark. Maybe it has to do with the color of the ink. Who would create a pink or green tattoo website template anyway.
  2. Lighter text color so that page is easy to the eyes.
  3. A Tattoo background (I don’t what the tattoo of Miguel Cotto is called but you can use that as a reference.)
  4. An Ink logo. Be creative make combine Madrid and Ink to create a good logo. Hire someone to create a logo for you.

You can buy tattoo website template or get them free just by searching.

Thanks, in fact the new web have one template about tattoos and it is dark so you are right. I hope build it again quickly. Thank you so much