My website disappeared!

Since 2012 i have i website, but, i dont know why, my website desappeared and my e-mail too.

I know after the changes applied is just forwarding, but i will pay to have this e-mail back, i have so many things registred on this!

Can anyone help me, how can i have my e-mail back?

We no longer offer subdomains like the one you’ve listed.

We only offer domain.

We cannot give you this subdomain back even for payment unfortunately.

If you’d like to host your site login or signup to and make a new site like and upload your content :smiley:

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But i have a problem, i have some accounts on my old e-mail, and i need acess to recover some passwords, how can i do?

There is no access the services no longer exist and have been removed from the servers completely sorry.

Contact the service you need your password reset for and inform them your email address has been terminated and the service has closed and provide alternative email and some security information and they should be able to help you.

I already did that, they says cant help me if i dont have acess

There isn’t anything we can do sorry.