
I think is down, my website is showing it cannot connect, it’s been like that since yesterday is anyone else having this issue

There were issues with mysql8, but now it is up and running.

Thanks Vaidas, but I think it’s down again!

On further investigation, MySQL server ( is NOT reachable from the web-server ( How can I check the health status of through CPanel?

details of connecting/ping from webserver:

Failed to connect to MySQL: Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘’ (113)

Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to (Connection timed out) in /home//public_html/test.php

What is your website? :slight_smile:

I got the old panel.

What does your login control panel look like?

my site is down also

Is your site hosted here?

yes and was working last week. now showing as online in my dashboard but the url isnt working

Can you confirm your www. URL etc?

everything looks good on the back end. whatever you posted is old

Ah okay sorry, so your control panel as above - is it the new or old one?

thanks for trying to help here is what im looking at Name servers

Name servers

What kind of scripts/software are you running on your site?
I find it weird I can’t even load :confused:

basically just html and nothing new since 2010. i just switched it over to 000webhost recently

Current status on dashboard: RUNNING

I take it you can’t load in your browser either?

that is correct. nothing loads

Oh I’ve just tried my own site which was working earlier and I’m getting a blank page now

I can only assume that the web server is experiencing issues :frowning: