Near location iBeacon tracking is not spying

This is your future. They claim that this isn’t spying on your every purchase and history.

This will be further exploited in the near future. Today they will place sensors in stores that track you. In the near future every new device will near communicate with the stranger’s device next to you. They will use all of your devices to track you everywhere. They will not need to place a sensor in a store, since the devices will be doing it. Welcome to Earth, or is it Communearth?

Settle down, no one cares where you are.


That’s completely wrong. They all care what you are doing every minute of the year. They make a bunch of money spying on every purchase, text, phone call, and video conference. They call it big data. They should call it watching everyone 24-7-365. It’s like a bunch of pervs watching you through the cyber window of your bedroom.

This is how it all works.

“Mary” has a smartphone or tablet, and everything about her has been recorded since the day she got her shiny new device. They record all movements. They see where she works, visits and who she talks to. They know when she takes a lunch and usually at what time she leaves the 4th floor at her work. They know how many stores are within walking distance. They sell this information to others a block or so away, telling them if they fawn over her she may come over and buy from you. Just send her a coupon for 10 cents off a 8 dollar coffee. They see her usual path to go home at night and they will soon be selling that so they can hit you with more ads as you drive down the road. They know everything and it will get worse. The GPS in these devices for maps is the key to all of it. It was made pretty so you would not want to remove it. They know where you are because of the map. How else can they tell you where to turn, unless they can see you at all times?

I’m waiting for the first instance of some idiot wearing google glasses and forgets that it transmits everything. The first drunken orgy will be seen by coworkers and the boss. They will see him scratching at his crotch from the new case of the crabs and as he faces the mirror and notices the toy that somebody in his bed has inserted into his backside that is still wiggling. When returning to work after lying about a hangover was a cold day, every woman will avoid this loser. Gotta love what’s coming next?!

If this is all made possible due to our “map” features then we have nothing to fear!
As I’m sure we have all used the map directions, then we know they are always wrong… telling us to turn into some remote corn field. I have yet to use map directions that were correct. Even when I track my home based pc (which never moves) and map it, the map shows me 2 kilometers away! If this “map” is how they track us, then I think they have a LONG way to go.

Don’t know what you use, but the new version is within 2 ft of accuracy.

On home pc I’ve only used Google Maps.
On mobile (Blackberry Z10) my map feature has been off ever since I found it to be innacurate. I also don’t allow it to locate me. I just turned it on to check the version (v10.2.0.387) and it prompted me to allow Location Services which I again declined.
Side note: With location services off, I don’t see how it can track me. I could be mistaken?

I would think there are so many people in the world that you can’t imagine that anyone’s specifically interested in [U]your[/U] location…

Buy a new phone now in the UK and to keep the insurance valid you have to have the tracker (usually called a Mobile Rescue app or similar) switched on and registered to an approved site incase it gets stolen.
Knowing everything everyone does is big business - these cold callers asking you if you have time to answer a few questions aren’t people with a weird hobby :smiley:

Who cares if they know where you are, who cares if they send you ads for the coffee shop that you drive by everyday and who cares if a drunk guy ruins his life. None of these things are actually a problem.

Yeah man, we’re all gonna die anyway. Doesn’t matter if someone deems that we eat one too many burgers a week and your health insurance goes up, or that someone finds out that you were late to pay that bill and your credit rating goes down and you get refused a bank loan because of it - if it doesn’t affect you directly, why worry? Someone elses problem right?

Exactly! :smiley:

I gave up caring about all the so-called spying and tracking.

It is here to stay, no matter how much complaining. It will still go on, in one form or another regardless.

The ‘tin foil hat’ brigade will no doubt be saying that some alien life-form has taken over our Governments and big companies, in order to find out more about us humans and our habits.

Whatever, they will find my shopping habits very interesting… which reminds me, I must clear my inbox of all that spam - promoting safe ■■■ products.

Doesn’t happen with anybody in my family. I took them away from the kids and gave them flip phones. I removed them from jokebook.

The cool-aid drinkers for the big players at apple and google and others have done a good job brainwashing the public into believing that nobody should care that they can access the cameras on your devices and everything else to even be able to peek into your daughter’s bedroom.

The fact that so many are not even sharing in the wealth from selling your information is scary to me. You buy a device so they can watch and record you forever, and you don’t even get a free data plan? The joke is on you.
I fear about this kind of attitude towards freedom and privacy being stolen and given away. It’s against the 4th amendment. Put down the electronic crack pipe. It has blinded you. One sad day you will realize that popularity doesn’t pay the bills.

When I mention that I gave up caring… it applies only to myself.

If I had any family left:( then I would take what steps there are to protect them. I have heard and read of what can happen on social sites like ‘jokebook’ as you put it. I personally have never ventured near those… far too much cr@p going on - both sides of the screen.

So, I agree with you on that.

Have a good New Year… and beyond :slight_smile:

Well, I guess someone could hack into your daughters camera and look in her room. But, most phones sit flat so they would just be looking at the ceiling :slight_smile: Laptops close as well, so they can stare at blackness all day long. I’m not a terrorist, child molester or criminal of any kind, so I doubt I will be on their target list. But if I am, read my first two comments, it’s not hard to stop it.

I usually sit on mine… so hackers be VERY ware :smiley: :smiley:

I am more of a down the pants kinda guy, it helps stop pick pocketers as well :smiley:

A college friend who went to work for the FBI told me that unless the battery is removed from the modern phones it is always tracking your movements, listening to you, and the software maker ie apple ios or the others, have many ways to see everything you do on them. It’s not really a joke. Let your kids do something stupid on them, and some day at a job interview their poor judgement comes back to destroy any chance at a career. Everything is being recorded and saved. It will be arriving at your next job interview.

Wait for the stupid TV’s. They will have even more control and ability to spy at you in your bedroom and living room.

How often has the tracker in someones phone been used against them unless they were one of those things I mentioned. There is [U]nothing[/U] a normal person could say that they would care about and if they are listening to you, why would you care if some person you will never meet knows what you are saying.
For the job interview thing, complain about Facebook, that is the black hole of stupid people.