Notice: Undefined variable: pop in

Hello, I have a problem :

Notice: Undefined variable: pop in /mypath/public_html/composant/top.phpc on line 10

I test some variables to show a different content.

<?php if (!$erreur_msg) { ?>

So, i can’t declare > $erreur_msg="";

I try this but when the variable should be different, there is no change.

Have you checked line 10 to make sure that the pop variable is actually defined? What page is this on your site (maybe I can review the code)?

the variable pop is not define cause i use it (and others) like “$erreur_msg” :slight_smile:

<? if ($pop!="1") {?> <? if (($userlog=="1") && ($deconnect!="No") || ($itlog=="1") && ($deconnect!="No") || ($paramlog=="1") && ($deconnect!="No")) { ?>
       -->  Déconnexion
<? } ?> <? if (($retour!="") && ($lienretour!="")) { ?>
       -->  <? echo $retour ?>
<? } ?> <? } else { ?>
       -->  Fermer
<? } ?>

I use the parameter :

php_flag short_open_tag on

I removed error messages in using :

if (empty($pop)) {

But now, the variables does not work. When I click on a link which must reload page with an another content, nothing happen.

Here the code of destination page

// verification de la connexion de l’utilisateur

Turn off error display option in website settings page

Thanks for your answer but it cannot resolve the problem (variables are not interpreted)

<?php if (!$erreur_msg) { ?>

does not work yet. Even if I change this parameter.