Parked domain no longer available after reset

I am new to all this and using 000webhost for a college class. I recently had to reset my website due to some kind of error with the files not being accessible. Things seemed fine after the reset until I tried to access the site using the parked domain. After the reset the parked domain which had been working fine no longer connects to my site. Now all I get is a window from 000webhost that states the website is no longer available. The authors have deleted this site. With a box that says start your website. But if I go to My Domains…

Since I have paid for the parked address I really would prefer to use that one for access. Being a new user I can’t put more than one link in this post…sigh…so I’ll give you the post but If you want to see the parked site you’ll have to edit the address by removing the curly brakets…sorry… Help would be appreciated. Thank you

theannamovement.{org} is the parked site address is the free webhost address.

Hit Manage, Link, link and it should be fine :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much. Working just fine now. :smiley_cat:

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