Phpmyadmin down

I have seen older posts about this, but it seems that phpmyadmin is currently down again. Get the following password error. Created another new database just to check nothing wrong with the original, same issue. Any idea how long it usually takes them to respond and fix such things?

Just checked my databases and I can still access them can you check now?

Shows there a was a little downtime so might be back online now yes?

I just tried and still get the same error, this was on two newly created databases…so maybe something with the mysql database creation? Not putting in the password correctly when it creates database so phpmyadmin can’t get to it?

I still can’t get in to work on my new database for some reason.

Accessing this URL and using the details below can you login to phpMyAdmin?

[code]click to view


Yes, that works. I can get in using your info.

Very odd are you able to create a new database if you have space and call it the same random and random123 and provide the username?

I’m having the same problem. But in the interest of clarity, I had an older db for which phpmyadmin was still working, so the problem might not be accurately described as ‘phpmyadmin down.’

Well, immediatly after I put in my last comment I got the message that my account was canceled due to lack of domain transfer or some such thing.

Then, I got a new account somehow, but this time using the new V2 000webhost.

This has been mostly ok, but now phpmyadmin is down again, this time with a different error message:


Static analysis:

2 errors were found during analysis.

Unrecognized keyword. (near “CHARACTER SET” at position 4)
Unexpected token. (near “‘utf8mb4’” at position 18)
SQL query: Edit Edit


MySQL said: Documentation#9001 - Max connect timeout reached while reaching hostgroup 2 after 10000ms

Check status page at if you suspect downtime/ server stress/load etc