Portfolio website

Hi guys. This is my first time posting here. Although, I’ve been using this hosting service for a while now.

I just wanted to show my site with the community.

This site was built using Wordpress custom theme I made. Also on the portfolio page is all of my work.

Suggestions and critique would be appreciated as well. Also note that the slider on the front page isn’t quite finished yet.



Well, if you made that purely from scratch, I’d have to say Well done!

Yes, I did. Thank you!

By the way, are these: http://khaistatus.com/portfolio/ all made from scratch too? I mean pure css, html coding? Line by line? wow, i’m impressed. :smiley: By the way, yeah you should get a job soon, your skills are quite impressive. :slight_smile:

Yes, all of the CSS and HTML is coded by me. The PHP, not so much. Like when blog posts get feeded to different pages, that’s not me. It’s done through plugins. But you still have to know how to put the plugins together, so yeah…